Dulce Systems PRO RX User Manual

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PRO RX Installation and User’s Manual


Change RAID Mode – Deleting / Creating

This procedure will erase all data on the PRO RX.

Changing the RAID mode requires the current RAID Set to be deleted

first, then create a new RAID Set with the new RAID mode.

5.2.1. Delete the RAID Set

From the RAID Console GUI. On the left side menu bar click on

• RaidSet Functions > Delete Raid Set
• Select the Raid Set and check the Confirm box
• Click Submit to delete the RAID Set

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PRO RX Installation and User’s Manual

5.2.2. Create a RAID Set

No need to wait for hours of format, simply select the No Init option in the

Volume Initialization Mode field.

For Windows XP (32 bit) with larger than 2TB RAID, read next section.

From the RAID Console GUI. On the left side menu bar click on

• Click on Quick Function > Quick Create
• Change the Select Raid Level as desire
• Change Greater Two TB Volume Support: Set to 64bit LBA

Windows XP (32 bit): Set to No.

• Volume Initialization Mode: Change to No Init.
• Check Confirm the Operation
• Click Submit

No Init allows for immediate RAID Set availability. The RAID is ready for the OS

format and partition.
