5 context sensitive menus, Export file types – Metrohm 746 VA Trace Analyzer User Manual

Page 13

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1 Introduction

VA Database 2.0



Database file

Paradox database file with blob fields (curves,
binary determination file, etc.).


Special database file

Special index file created automatically.

Note: These 4 files on the hard disk should never be renamed
with the Windows Explorer or another file manager tool. For this
purpose the function

Save Database As...

should be used.

The following file types are produced by the VA Database pro-
gram when saving templates or filter definitions:


Database template

Template file for VA Report Generator.


Filtering criteria file
Special file for storing defined filtering criteria

(see Filtering determinations, page 32).

Export file types

The following file types can be exported by the VA Database pro-



ASCII text file

ASCII text file format for export of database table
contents (see Export of table text, page 30).


Windows metafile

Graphic file format for export of curve subwin-

dows (see Export of curves, page 13).


Enhanced Windows metafile

Graphic file format for export of curve subwin-

dows (see Export of curves, page 13).


Bitmap file
Graphic file format for export of curve subwin-
dows (see Export of curves, page 13).


Measurement data file
Data file format for export of measurement points
(see Export of measurement points, page 31).

1.5 Context sensitive menus

Most of the menu functions of the program windows or subwin-
dows are also accessible by clicking on the desired window or
item and pressing the right mouse button. The pop up windows
have different contents and functions depending on the selected
active window or item type.
