La Cornue Château Series - Cleaning User Manual
La cornue château series cleaning tips

La Cornue Château Series Cleaning Tips
Referenced Cleaning Supplies
General Cleaning Supplies:
Name Brand Cleaning Supplies:
White Cloth Towels and/or
Dawn Power Dissolver®
Soft Cleaning Towels
Windex Cleaner®
Paper Towels
Dawn Soft Soap®
Soft Brush
Seapower Metal Polish®
Stainless Steel Cleaner
Never Dull®
White Vinegar
Weimans Polish®
High-Grade Sandpaper
ScotchBrite® Heavy Duty Pads (Burgundy or Grey)
Mild Dish Soap (Method®)
Bon Ami®
Mineral Oil
Barkeepers Friend®
Stainless Steel Magic®
Enamel Panels
Polished Enamel Panels (all colors but Matte Black and Pebble Grey):
A soft cloth and warm soapy water should remove any grease or food
stains. Following this step, use a dry cloth to dry the enamel panels.
Windex® is also another option to optimize a shine on the enamel. Be
sure to spray on a paper towel and then wipe clean; do not spray the
Windex® directly onto the enamel.
Matte Enamel Panels (Matte Black and Pebble Grey only):
Using a white cloth and warm soapy water should rid of any grease or
food stains. Following this step, use a dry cloth to dry the enamel panels.
Brushed and Polished Brass:
The Brushed and Solid Brass trim on Château ranges are solid Brass and will patina naturally. If
desired, this patina can be removed with any brass polish. Seapower Metal Polish is a wonderful
product to use on the Brass. Be sure to have a good supply of white soft cloths on hand. Clean
only a small area at a time. It is not recommended to coat all trim piece at one time as it is time
consuming and the brass polish should not sit on the brass for extended periods of time.
Brushed Stainless Steel:
Stainless Steel will not patina but may darken over time. To brighten this trim, wipe down with
warm soapy water. Be sure to rinse, and dry well to avoid water spots. Use a stainless steel spray
to maintain a shine when clean. Do not spray directly on stainless steel. Stainless Steel wipes are
also acceptable for use here as well.
Chrome and Polished Stainless Steel:
The Polished Chrome and Polished Stainless Steel trim are the most low-maintenance and will
require very little polishing, if any. When desired, wipe down with warm soapy water. Be sure