Temperature, Total dissolved solids (tds), Metals (copper, iron, manganese) – LaMotte Pool & Spa Owner's Handbook User Manual

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While water temperature is an important comfort factor for bathers, it can
also play a small role in accelerating corrosion or scale formations. In
warmer water, calcium carbonate is more likely to precipitate out of
solution and contribute to a scale forming condition. At colder
temperatures, water is more prone to corrosion if it does not have adequate
calcium carbonate. When visiting a pool store to get a comprehensive
water analysis, be sure to read your thermometer when taking the pool
sample since the temperature of the water is factored into what is
calculated as the saturation index. The saturation index is a numerical
assessment of the potential for the water to cause corrosion or deposit


A total dissolved solids reading indicates the amount of dissolved
substances or minerals in the water. These come from the original water
supply and from treatment chemicals. As water evaporates, the dissolved
solids remain and over time continue to increase. A high dissolved solids
level can lead to corrosion. If the water exceeds 2,000 ppm, investigate
ways to replace a portion of the water supply. Most pool stores have a
dissolved solids meter designed to measure TDS in seconds.

METALS (copper, iron, manganese)

The levels of metals in water are monitored to avoid colored water and
stains on pool or spa surfaces. Since stains from dissolved metals are
troublesome to remove, most pool professionals like to test for at least
copper and iron in the spring or several times a year as a precaution.
Copper will tend to stain surfaces (including hair) blue-green and can
cause water to become a tint of aquamarine after a high chlorine dosage.
Iron can leave stains of a brown or rusty color and can turn water green or
brown following a chlorine dose.


The ideal temperature range for pools

is 75-85° and spas is 95-104°.



The ideal TDS range for pools and spas

is less than 2,000 ppm (for salt water pools

consult a pool professional).


