Salter Brecknell RD-65 Remote Display User Manual
Page 5

<SP> Space
<kg/lb> kg or lb
3.1.2 Data Format Example: 123456lb for Salter/Transcell series Indicators.
Notes for symbols used in commands and response:
<STX> Start of Text
<L/K> LB or KG
<G/N> G = Gross, N = Net
<SP> Space
<CR> Carriage Return character
<LF> Line Feed character
3.1.3 Data Format Example: 123456lb; used with Weigh-Tronix WI125 models.
Notes for symbols used in commands and response:
<SP> Space
<G/N> G = Gross, N = Net
<LB/KG> LB or KG
<CR> Carriage Return character
<LF> Line Feed character
3.1.4 Data Format Example: 123456lb; used with Dillon ED Dynamometers.
Notes for symbols used in commands and response:
<SP> Space
<CR> Carriage Return character
<LF> Line Feed character