Hill climbing – Jeep 2012 Liberty - Owner Manual User Manual

Page 349

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lower gear than necessary to maintain headway. Over-
revving the engine can spin the wheels and traction will
be lost.

Avoid abrupt downshifts on icy or slippery roads be-
cause engine braking may cause skidding and loss of

Hill Climbing


Before attempting to climb a hill, determine the

conditions at the crest and/or on the other side.

Before climbing a steep hill,

shift the transmission to a

lower gear and shift the transfer case to 4WD LOW. Use
first gear and 4WD LOW for very steep hills.

If you stall or begin to lose headway

while climbing a

steep hill, allow your vehicle to come to a stop and
immediately apply the brakes. Restart the engine and
shift to REVERSE. Back slowly down the hill allowing the
compression braking of the engine to help regulate your

speed. If the brakes are required to control vehicle speed,
apply them lightly and avoid locking or skidding the


If the engine stalls or you lose headway or cannot
make it to the top of a steep hill or grade, never
attempt to turn around. To do so may result in
tipping and rolling the vehicle. Always back straight
down a hill in REVERSE gear carefully. Never back
down a hill in NEUTRAL using only the brake.

Remember, never drive diagonally across a hill - drive
straight up or down.

If the wheels start to slip as you approach the crest of a
hill, ease off the accelerator and maintain headway by



