Cary Audio Design DVD 6 RS-232 User Manual
Cary audio design, Dvd 6 dvd player, Rs-232 protocol and control details
Cary Audio Design
DVD 6 dvd player
RS-232 Protocol and Control Details
Com Port Setup:
Use standard communications settings. The default that most devices use/accept is:
Baud Rate - 9600
Data Bits - 8
Parity - None
Stop Bits - 1
Com Port Pin Configuration:
Use standard pin configuration. A configuration that allows direct connection to a PC via
9-pin straight through serial cable is best. Use of only 3 pins(Transmit, Receive, Ground)is best.
9 pin female D connector
Pin 2 = Transmit
Pin 3 = Receive
Pin 5 = Ground
RS-232 interface :
Commands are to be sent to the unit via RS-232 using the following format:
= <Command ID><Argument>
<Command ID> = <Byte>
= 0x0d
= 0x30,0x30
Status Byte:
Upon receiving the command and done, a single status byte will be transmitted
The format for the status byte is :
<Status Byte>
= <Command>
<Command> = 0x31,0x30,0x30
RS232-Interface Usage Details:
The RS-232 interface has a first-in-first-out (FIFO) buffer which will allow each commands to be
received in direct succession. Commands are executed in the order in which they are received with
approximately a 1/2 second delay between each command. If a longer string of commands is
necessary, a minimum of 1/2 second delay should be added before sending additional commands.
Example for sending a long string of commands:
[Command 1]
<Delay 1/2 second>
[Command 2]
<Delay 1/2 second>
[Command 3]
<Delay 1/2 second>
If receiving the errors data, a single status byte will be transmitted. The status byte is:
Rs232 = <ERR>
ASCII = <0x45,0x58,0x58>