Trunk groups – FaxBack AudioCodes Mediant 1000 - Configuration Guide User Manual
Page 5

AudioCodes Mediant 1000 Configuration Guide — Page 5
Trunk Groups
Configuration > Protocol Configuration > Trunk/IP Group > Trunk Group
The following screen shot is an example only, your hardware will need a different configuration. Read below for details. See also
“Media Gateway Configuration Examples” for sample configurations.
The configuration instructions that follow will use Trunk Group ID 1 for all “PSTN” ports. That is, all ports capable of calling
other numbers. Trunk Group ID 2 is used only for FXS ports that connect directly to fax machines.
Module: Choose one of the modules installed in the Mediant. You will repeat the following configuration for each module
installed in the Mediant chassis. Note that each individual port on each FXS device will need its own line as well if the port phone
numbers are non-consecutive. See the “Phone Number” entry below for more information.
From Trunk / To Trunk: PRI modules (only) require an additional “From Trunk” and “To Trunk” setting. Set “From Trunk”
to 1 and “To Trunk” to the highest number available.
Channels: This indicates the range of channels to include in this group line. For FXO modules, this will be “1-4”, for FXS it
can be either “1-4” as well, or it can be each individual channel.
Phone Number: This will be the default caller id when caller id could not be determined. For FXO and PRI modules you can
enter “1000” if it is the first module, “2000” for the second module, etc. For FXS ports, you will need to enter either a real phone
number that will be associated with that port or assign a simple extension. If you are using real phone numbers and all the ports on
the FXS module will be sequential then you can create just one group entry for the entire module, the Mediant will automatically
add the port number to the Phone Number specified here.
Trunk Group ID: Assign all modules, trunks, and channels that will be connecting to the PSTN (i.e. FXO ports and PRIs) to
Trunk Group ID 1.
Assign all modules, trunks and channels that will be connecting to internal devices (i.e. FXS ports) to Trunk Group ID 2.
IP Profile ID: Profiles are generally not needed. Set all IP Profile IDs to 0.
Click “Submit” when you are done. Click “Burn” at the top of the page.