Export working folder, Export to 'unfiled documents' folder, Multiple values – Kofax Export Connector 8.2.1 User Manual
Page 9: Online help for export setup, Image support
Kofax Export Connector 8.2.1 for IBM FileNet Content Manager Administrator's Guide
Export Working Folder
The export connector requires that you set up a temporary storage location to copy document
images at export time. Your images reside in this location temporarily as they are transferred
from Kofax Capture or Kofax Express to the object store.
If the export working folder does not exist at export setup, you are given the option to create
the specified folder or select a different folder. If the folder does not exist at export time, the
folder is automatically created.
Export to 'Unfiled Documents' Folder
On the Destination Settings tab, select the “Unfile documents” check box to export documents
to the Unfiled Documents folder in IBM FileNet Content Manager.
Multiple Values
This export connector supports properties that contain multiple values. You can specify the
delimiter to separate the values when entering multiple values for your document and folder
class properties using the “Multi-value separator” option on the General Settings tab. For
example, if you specified a single semicolon (;) delimiter for the multi-value separator, you
would enter the following:
For more information, see the online Help for the General Settings tab.
Online Help for Export Setup
Online Help is available from the export connector setup window. You can click the Help
button to get information about individual settings on each tab on the setup window.
Image Support
This export connector supports the following file formats / compression formats:
▪ Multipage TIFF - Group 3, Group 3/2D, and Group 4 Compression
▪ Multipage TIFF - Uncompressed Image Format
▪ Multipage TIFF - JPEG Compression
▪ Single page TIFF - Group 3, Group 3/2D, and Group 4 Compression
▪ Single page TIFF - Uncompressed Image Format
▪ Single page TIFF - JPEG Compression
▪ JPG - JPEG Compression
▪ PCXPackBytes Compression
▪ Kofax PDF
Kofax PDF Support
You can export Kofax PDF documents into the IBM FileNet Content Manager object
store. Kofax PDF is included with Kofax Capture and Kofax Express and does not require
additional software implementation.