Carl Goldberg GBGA1087 User Manual

Page 9

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When satisfied with the fit, glue in place using

thin CA. Apply to both top and bottom and on
both sides of the fuselage. Be careful that it
does not run out of the fuselage and onto the


Sight the stab from the rear and make sure that

it is parallel with the wing. If required, remove

a small amount of material from the stab sad-

dle to make the stab align with the wing.


Bolt the wing in place using the 4-40 x 3/4”

socket head screw.


Take one elevator half and install two CA

hinges in the pre-cut slots. Locate the hole
for the elevator joiner wire.

Hole for elevator wire


Put epoxy or white glue in the hole for the ele-

vator joiner wire and fit the elevator to the

stab. Use pins in the middle of the hinge to

make sure the hinge stays centered in the

stab and elevator. Leave 1/32” gap at the ele-

vator counter balance.
