Snazzy FX TIDAL WAVE User Manual
Page 7
7. FILT MOD ATTENUVERTER- Sets the amount of cutoff controlled by either the
internal CV BUS or the VCF CV jack. This will effect PITCH in the HI-Q mode. Usually
the CV BUS is set to OFF when the HI-Q mode is engaged FOR THE PURPOSE OF
CREATING A TYPICAL SYNTH VOICE. for more esoteric effects, by all means leave all
the BUSES ON and turn up all the attenuverters!! !
8. VC MIXER CONTROL- This knob controls the crossfading and mixing of two signals
which are setup on the LEFT and RIGHT of the control. This is used in conjunction with
the MIX SOURCE (17) SWITCH to select two (phase opposed) signals which will meet
and mingle in the MIDDLE of the knob. In any setting except the middle setting of LFO
BUS SWITCH (20), the middle will be effected by the LFO triangle wave or Sine wave
OR the MIX CV jack.!
This is the knob which can bring the TIDAL WAVE Into many interesting areas of sound
processing and filtering, taking advantage of comb filtering effects, and cancellation of
The default is to have the MiX SOURCE SWITCH thrown all the way to the left, and
then play with getting the knob so that the signals exhibit “movement” as the lfo or
external CV is swept (usually slowly) This can be used in myriad ways, especially in
combination with the POS and NEG cvs possible with the other attenuverters (5, 6, 7) to
allow for one side of the VC MIXER to climb UP in harmonics while the other side is
moving DOWN in harmonics. EXPERIMENT!!!!!
10. TIDE!
11. FLOOR!
These three controls in conjunction with controls 1 and 5, make up the WS (wave
shaper or wave folder ) section. 9/10/11 are highly interactive as well as being very
sensitive to both the signal coming into the WS section AND to the initial wave setting
(which is a cross between gain and offset). It is recommended to start with the 1 control
at fully counterclockwise settings (fully left to around the middle) until 9 10 and 11 are
set. Then try increasing the 5 control for CV modulation (movement) of the harmonics.
since all the controls are interactive AND control 5 can be set negative or positive, the
effects are wide ranging and THERE WILL BE SOME AREAS WHICH ARE QUIET AND