Who am i, Connecting and setup, Location – darTZeel Audio NHB-108 A version User Manual

Page 7: Speaker impedance

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darTZeel NHB-108 model one

Owner's Manual

Page 7 of 17

3. Who am I?

Your darTZeel NHB-108 model one bears,
on its front panel, its Identification Plate

. On this 24k gold plated brass plate

are engraved your name, and the serial
number. Do not unscrew the plate since
it is the identity card of your machine!

The serial number can be read as fol-






= Century of making


= Batch number


= Identity in the batch number


= Version (A or B)


The sample bearing the serial number





Is the first machine of the first batch,

made in the 21


century, and of version


. This numbering is thus valid until the

end of the 26



Unless specially requested otherwise, we

deliver all darTZeel NHB-108 in version A.
This is the version offering the most pur-
ist design, thus the best sound reproduc-

tion available.

Version B, a bit more versatile, is more
fully described in chapter 8. "Version B".

Important! The rear panel has been

designed to cater for both versions A
and B.

It is vital to bear in mind all the fol-
lowing notes and remarks concern-

ing the use of your darTZeel NHB-108
model one


Thank you.

4. Connecting and setup

4.1. Location

Before making the first connection, you

should think carefully about the location
where you are going to put your gear. If

you planned to fit your darTZeel NHB-108
model one into furniture, please bear in
mind that you must allow at least one
inch of free space all around the unit, for

proper cooling.

If you do not respect this, the darTZeel
NHB-108 model one may stop playing if it
becomes too hot.

The heat sinks shutdown point is at
around 70°C, and the power supply
starts up again when the temperature

has dropped to 55 °C.

Please also note that permanent exces-
sive temperature will reduce the life span

of your machine. Read the Audiophile's
technical manual
if you want to learn

more about this topic.

Anyway, if possible, always leave enough

space around your darTZeel NHB-108
model one, allowing you to gain easy ac-
cess to it when making connections.

4.2. Speaker impedance

The darTZeel NHB-108 model one can drive
virtually any loudspeaker, provided its
nominal impedance is between 1 and 8

ohms. Above 8 ohms, maximum avail-
able power output will be slightly re-

duced, but without any sound quality

Nominal impedance can vary by ± 20%,
and can thus reach the following critical

minimum values:

6.4Ω in the case of 8Ω speakers

3.2Ω in the case of 4Ω speakers

1.6Ω in the case of 2Ω speakers

0.8Ω in the case of 1Ω speakers

If your loudspeakers are between 4Ω

and 8Ω, which is nearly always the case,
