EMM Labs SWITCHMAN-3 User Manual

Page 6

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In Volume Control Mode no changes can be made to channel settings - when a
channel button is pressed, the settings are viewed only. If no other buttons are

pressed at this time, the system will wait 4 seconds, then restore the main display
(Master Volume step shown again) and turn off the channel LED indicator.

To modify a channel setting, please switch to the Trim Mode first.

1.2.2 Channel Trim Mode

The Trim Mode enables modifications to channel Level Trim and channel Mute status.
Pressing TRIM button switches to Channel Trim Mode. To go back to Volume Control
Mode, press the TRIM button again.

In this mode, one channel is always selected; thus, one of the channel LEDs (yellow)

is lit. To operate on another channel, press the proper channel button on right side of
the Remote.

Adjust the Channel Level Trim using the rotary knob at the center of the Remote.

Channel mute status is toggled with the MUTE button.

Maximum range of channel Volume Trim is –40 to +40 steps. Trim step equates to

dB. The display always shows Trim settings with a leading sign. The trim value

of zero is displayed with a plus.

Please note that the system may limit the range of a trim adjustment on the plus

side. This happens if a relatively high Master Volume setting is combined with the
positive trim value. The resulting channel gain setting may be outside the system’s
range. The SwitchMan system always tracks trim values on all channels.

The “Special Features” chapter contains more information on this topic.

1.2.3 Template Load Mode

Template Load mode allows for selection of a one of six templates stored in the

NVRAM. When a template is loaded, all the settings saved in it are applied
immediately. A Template holds the following information:

- an Input System that was selected (A, B, C, or D)
- all the settings for each Input System:

- Master Volume setting

- Level Trim value for each channel (1 to 6)
- Mute Status for each channel (1 to 6)

In addition, the system “remembers” which template was loaded or saved last time.
Upon power-up, the system settings are restored because that template loads


