4 miscellaneous problems – Go Power! GPR-25 User Manual

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Owner’s Manual |

GPR-25 Regulator


Carmanah Technologies Corp. Copyright © 2007

Document number: GPR-25_Manual_v4.doc

Last revised: June 21, 2007

(1) Check fuse. Check all connections from the regulator to the battery.
(2) Electric noise from other electronics such as inverters or florescent lights may affect the current

reading. Attempt to trace the problematic appliance and fix the problem by relocation.

Voltage Reading: N/A
Current Reading: Rapidly changing

Possible Cause:
(1) Battery is full, array is producing full current, and there are functioning loads connected. This is
(2) The battery is too old or going bad and is unable to hold a charge.
(3) Poor battery or array connection.

How to tell:
(1) & (2) & (3) Check the voltage at the terminals with a multimeter.
(3) Check all wiring connections.

(1) & (2) If the voltage on the multimeter is rapidly increasing and decreasing, the battery is going bad,
the battery bank is too small, or this is a normal condition. Unfortunately, there is no way to differentiate.
Possible solutions are to test, individually, the physical battery status using a hydrometer. Consult your
battery manufacturer’s manual for more information.

(3) If the voltage on the multimeter is stable while the current reading is behaving erratically, it is the
battery connection between the battery and regulator. Check connections.

(3) Reconnect wiring correctly.

10.4 Miscellaneous Problems

Status: Charge light blinking when fuse is touched

Possible Cause:
(1) Fuse is loose.

(1) Securely attach fuse.

Status: GPR-25 buzzing

Possible Cause:
(1) Bad battery, array or fuse connection.

Check all connections and reconnect correctly.

Status: GPR-25 face plate hot to touch

Possible Cause:
(1) Defective GPR-25.

Note: It is normal for the faceplate to get warm during operation. The symptom of a defective GPR-25 is
only when then unit gets too hot to touch.
