Laerdal HeartCode ACLS 2010 User Manual
Page 9
ACLS Administrators Guide
ACLS Administrators Guide
Visit the Download center by clicking “Downloads” in the left-hand
navigation menu or “Download center” on the main section of the
home page. Once there, click “HeartCode ACLS G2010” to check
for the most recent version. If there is not a more recent version,
follow the steps below:
1. Insert Cognitive System DVD from the software
package and launch Setup.exe.
2. Accept the disclaimer.
3. Enter e-mail address for the person responsible
for the server.
4. Indicate whether or not you want users to be able
to register themselves in the system.
5. Depending on whether you have IIS or Apache
installed, the installer will present different options
for installing extra components.*
You should leave these at the default settings
unless your setup demands advanced customized
configuration, since the installer automatically
detects your setup requirements.
6. You can now provide the name of the Virtual
directory where users will be able to connect to
HeartCode ACLS System version. By default it is
set to “HeartCodeACLS”. This means that people
can connect by typing the following address in
their Internet browser:
6a. Select “Advanced” if you have need
for advanced settings. Most users do
not need to change this.
7. You will now be asked to enter a SMTP (e-mail)
server address. This is not a mandatory field,
but if supplied, then the system will be able to
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