Rocktron UTOPIA G300 User Manual
Page 10
Press the UP button once to move one preset bank up or press and hold down the button to auto-
scroll UP. Note that once you have reached your desired preset, the preset name on the screen
will be flashing but NOT recalled. The original preset will still be active. Now select any preset
0-9 to recall or activate the desired preset.
10 DOWN button
This button allows you to scroll DOWN through the preset banks and functions in the same man-
ner as the UP button (point 9).
11 PRESET button 0
This button allows you to select presets 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120.
When you are in Bank 01 this button allows you to select preset 10. When you are in Bank 02
this button allows you to select preset 20 and so on. Note that there is no 0 (zero) preset. Press-
ing this button a second time allows you to enter into the 2nd Function mode for this preset. You
can then use this button to turn On/Off the REVERB on the preset selected.
12 PRESET button 1
This button allows you to select presets 1, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, 101, 111 and 121.
When you are in Bank 00 this button allows you to select preset 1. When you are in Bank 01 this
button allows you to select preset 11 and so on. Pressing this button a second time allows you to
enter into the 2nd Function mode for this preset. You can then use this button to turn On/Off the
DELAY on the preset selected.
13 PRESET button 2
This button allows you to select presets 2, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 82, 92, 102, 112 and 122.
When you are in Bank 00 this button allows you to select preset 2. When you are in Bank 01 this
button allows you to select preset 12 and so on. Pressing this button a second time allows you to
enter into the 2nd Function mode for this preset. You can then use this button to turn On/Off the
MOD (MODULATION EFFECT) on the preset selected.
14 PRESET button 3
This button allows you to select presets 3, 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63, 73, 83, 93, 103, 113 and 123.
When you are in Bank 00 this button allows you to select preset 3. When you are in Bank 01 this
button allows you to select preset 13 and so on. Pressing this button a second time allows you to
enter into the 2nd Function mode for this preset. You can then use this button to turn On/Off the
MUTE on the preset selected. Pressing this button a third time allows you to enter into TUNER
mode and you can tune your guitar with the built-in tuner. To exit the TUNER mode you must
press button 3 again.
15 PRESET button 4
This button allows you to select presets 4, 14, 24, 34, 44, 54, 64, 74, 84, 94, 104, 114 and 124.
When you are in Bank 00 this button allows you to select preset 4. When you are in Bank 01 this
button allows you to select preset 14 and so on. Pressing this button a second time allows you to
enter into the 2nd Function mode for this preset. You can then use this button to activate the TAP
function and set the DELAY Rate by tapping the button at the desired rate.
UTOPIA G300 Top and Back Panels....continued.....