Rupert Neve 5060 Centerpiece: 24x2 Desktop Mixer User Manual
Page 12

texture control, the amount of silk can be changed from essentially absent, to roughly three times the
amount of coloration found in silk from the original Portico Series.
With silk/texture engaged, the distortion characteristic and harmonic content of the unit are very
reminiscent of many of Rupert’s class-A vintage designs. These controls add an unparalleled range of
tonal options to the 5060 and should be explored creatively with a variety of different sources for best
The silk / texture control can be used to good effect on almost any source material by varying the texture
control accordingly. Although we highly encourage you to experiment to find your favorite results, here
are a few rough ideas and suggestions for both Silk Red and Silk Blue modes:
Silk Red: Adding sparkle to a mix . Adding brilliance and presence to vocals. Bringing out the snap
and sheen on a drum buss. Accentuating the growl and brightness of electric guitars.
Silk Blue: Adding weight and density to a mix, thickening and adding a sense of closer proximity to
vocals. Adding size and boominess to drum or bass buss. Warming up guitars or other instruments.
The monitor source select determines the monitor source being sent to the speaker outputs and the
headphone output. The 5060 can select between three stereo Ext Monitor sources and the stereo mix
buss. The Ext Sources are often used to reference the return from the 2-track recorder or listen to music
from a turntable or iPod dock.
The monitor select determines which speaker output is active. By holding the Mon 3 button, the Mon 3
outs will “latch” on, allowing both Mon 1 & 2 for use while Mon 3 remains active. The latching feature
is often used for adding subwoofers or feeding speakers in the cutting room.
The headphone amplifier provides reference grade performance amplification for headphone
monitoring. The headphone signal follows the selection of the Monitor Source selection.
Monitor Level is controlled by a precision 21 step attenuator which provides highly accurate left/right
stereo tracking, perfect repeatability.
The 5060 can control standard transport functions in DAWs including play, stop, record, fast-forward,
rewind, loop, shuttle / jog and marker drop through either MIDI or USB interconnection. Pushing the
mode button toggles between shuttle and jog modes for the rotary controller, the wheel changes from
shuttle to jog. Due to differences in some DAW’s, every features like Jog / Shuttle, Marker Drop and
Loop may not perform the same with every software program.
The included talkback mic is activated by depressing the Talkback switch. The Talkback has level control,
a direct out, and assignment to insert sends 1-2 & / or 3-4. When the talkback switch is depressed, the
speaker output levels are lowered according to the setting of the Dim control. The Talkback amplifier