StorCase Technology DX115 User Manual
Page 22
DE50 for Backup User's Guide - Rev. D00
StorCase Technology, Inc.
USB Cable
Connect to
System Motherboard
(Female Connector)
Connect to Front
USB Ports*
(Male Connector)
* Optional (refer to Step 5 for further information)
Figure 16: Connecting the Split USB Cable
Connect the remaining end of the split USB cable to the DE50 USB connector located
on the receiving frame motherboard (Figures 5 & 16).
10. Connect the power cable from the DC power supply in the computer or expansion
chassis to the power connector on the DE50 receiving frame. Refer to Figure 5 for
the DE50 receiving frame power connector location.
11. Replace any expansion boards that may have been removed earlier. Replace the
system cover according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
12. Reconnect any system or peripheral cables removed earlier.