Steel shingle installation guide – TAMKO MetalWorks User Manual
Page 2
Starter/Eave Flashing
Steel Shingle Installation Guide
Page 2
• Cut back existing shingles flush with fascia at eaves
and gables
❶. (for reroofing only).
• Apply first full width course of underlayment at eave (both new
roofs and over existing shingles) and install METALWORKS
Starter Flashing
❷. (Apply TW Metal and Tile Underlayment or
TW Underlayment on new construction).
• Fasten Starter with 2 rows of nails/screws 18” o.c. in a
staggered pattern between the two rows.
❸. Fasten
through vertical face of Starter into fascia 18” o.c.
• Overlap Starter Flashing min. 2” at joints.
• Apply underlayment to entire roof (both new roofs and over
existing shingles) and lap over Starter Flashing, provide
second layer of underlayment at the eave
(See page 1 “Underlayment and Ice/Rain Protection
• Valley Flashing with a dormer finishes over the last course of
shingles below the dormer’s eave.
• Place clip on one side of the valley flashing and fasten. Next,
apply pressure to the valley flashing, place clip the opposite
side, and fasten to assure the Valley Flashing is seated. Do
not fasten through the Valley Flashing.
• Install the Valley Flashing with clips 18 inches on-center
• To join two Valley Flashings,
❸ slide the upper flashing over
the lower flashing, overlapping 2 inches. Apply one-part
urethane contractor-grade sealant at all joints.
• When two Valley Flashings meet at a ridge, miter the
flashings to be flush at the ridge, where the the two flashings
join, overlay with Hip and Ridge Seal.
• Install METALWORKS Gable
flashing over underlayment at
rake and over Starter at eave
• Install Gable Flashing with clips
24” o.c. Place fastener in hole
near bottom of clip. Face-fasten
through rake side of Gable
Flashing 24” o.c.
• To join the Gable Flashings, trim
the upper flashing and slide it
over the lower flashing,
overlapping 1-1/2 inches. The
gable flashing on a dormer must
be mitered to fit.
Valley Detail
Gable/Rake Detail
• Start shingle installation at bottom
left corner of roof field with
a full shingle
❶. For this first
shingle, cut a 2-inch notch in the
return of the bottom locking lip
for water to drain freely
• Lock first course to Starter
Flashing and fasten with Clips
(min. 3 per shingle)
❷. Place
fastener in hole near bottom of
• Lock second shingle and each
subsequent shingle locking the
left side first, then pushing the
panel up to engage the bottom
lock. (Note: ensure bottom lock
is fully engaged).
• At the end of a row, as you
approach a valley, sidewall
or gable flashing, cut the right
side of the shingle off
to fit in the remaining space,
sliding the shingle inside the
corresponding flashing.
• Cut 2” notch in the return of the
bottom locking lip (butt edge of
shingle) in line with gables or
sidewalls to allow water to drain
freely (first course only)
• The numbers 2, 3 and 4 are
embossed on the top lock. To
start second course cut the
shingle at number 2, for third
course cut at number 3, then
fourth course cut at number 4. To
begin the fifth course of shingles
start with a full shingle and
continue up the rake using the
same formula.
Installing Shingles
Valley Detail (continued)
• When METALWORKS Valley Flashing finishes at the eave,
trim the bottom of the Valley Flashing to the correct angle and
crimp over the Starter Flashing. Miter the Valley Flashing to
conform to the eave line.