Retracing your viewing path, To previous view, Next view – Adobe Acrobat 7 Professional User Manual

Page 61: Previous or next document, Previous view, Retracing viewing path, Viewing path, retracing

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Retracing your viewing path

After you have navigated through documents, you can retrace your path back to where
you started.

To retrace your viewing path:

Do one of the following:

To retrace your path within an Adobe PDF document, choose View > Go To > Previous
View or Next View. The Next View command is available only if you have chosen
Previous View.

If you're viewing the PDF document in a browser, use options on the Navigation toolbar
to move between views. Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the toolbar

area, and then choose Navigation. Click the Go To Previous View button

or the Go

To Next View button

. (You can also use the Next View button and the Previous View

button in the browser.)

To retrace your viewing path through other PDF documents, choose View > Go To >
Previous Document or Next Document. These commands open the other PDF documents
if the documents are closed.

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