Caution, Read immediately – Dimplex LA16ASR User Manual

Page 3

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Important Information

Prior to opening the unit it must be

ensured that all electrical circuits are disconnected
from the power source.

During transport, the heat pump must

not be tilted more than 45


(in either direction).

Heat pump and transport pallet are

only connected by the packaging film.

The intake and outlet duct openings

must not be restricted nor obstructed.

Clockwise phase sequence to be

observed: Damage to the compressor may be
incurred if it is operated in the wrong sense of

Do not use any cleaning agents

containing sand, soda, acid or chloride as these may
attack the surface.

To prevent consequential damage it

is imperative that the water circuit be neutralized
after cleaning using appropriate agents.

The unit is not suitable for operation

with a frequency converter.

Work on the refrigeration circuit may

be performed by qualified persons only.


Legal Provisions and Guidelines

T h i s h e a t p u m p w a s d e s i g n e d a n d b u i l t i n
compliance with all relevant EU directives, DIN and
VDE regulations (see CE Declaration of Conformity).

The electrical connection of the heat pump must be
performed according to and conforming with all
relevant VDE, EN and IEC standards. Beyond that,
all technical connection requirements of the local
electrical utility company have to be observed.

On connecting the heating and cooling system,
all relevant regulations have to be complied wit.


Energy-Efficient Use of the Heat

By purchasing this heat pump you contribute to the
protection of the environment. A prerequisite for
energy-efficient operation is the proper design of the
heat source system and the heat utilization/cooling

One of the most important factors of heat pump
efficiency is keeping

the temperature difference

between the heating water and the heat source as
s m a l l a s p o s s i b l e . I t i s t h e r e f o r e s t r o n g l y
recommended that the design of both the heat
source system and the heat distribution system be
carried out with great care. A 1 Kelvin (1


C) higher

temperature difference corresponds to an
increase in power consumption of approx. 2.5%.
When designing the heating system care must be
taken that special applications such as domestic
water heating are taken into consideration and
dimensioned for low temperature operation.


pumps are optimally suited for underfloor heating
(surface/radiant heating) applications
due to the
low supply temperatures (30 °C to 40 °C).

D u r i n g o p e r a t i o n i t i s e s s e n t i a l t h a t t h e h e a t
e x c h a n g e r i s n o t c o n t a m i n a t e d a s t h i s w o u l d
increase the temperature difference resulting in an
inferior coefficient of performance.

A considerable contribution to the economical
operation is made by the heat pump controller
provided it is set correctly. For more detailed
information refer to the operating manual of the heat
pump controller.











