Faronics Anti-Virus Enterprise User Manual
Page 57

Faronics Anti-Virus Policy
Faronics Anti-Virus User Guide
3. Right-click on the policy and select Delete Policy. The Delete Policy dialog is displayed.
4. Click Yes to delete the policy
Importing an Anti-Virus Policy
A preconfigured Anti-Virus policy can be imported into an existing policy. This feature saves time
since the entire policy does not have to be reconfigured again.
Complete the following steps to import an existing policy:
1. Launch Faronics Core Console.
2. In the Console Tree Pane, go to Faronics Core Console>[Core Server]>Managed
Workstations>Anti-Virus>[Policy Name].
3. Right-click on the policy and select Import Policy. Click Yes to overwrite the current settings in
the existing policy.
4. Browse to select the policy to be imported. Only previously exported policies in XML format
can be imported.
5. Select a previously exported policy and click Open. The policy is imported.
Exporting an Anti-Virus Policy
A preconfigured Anti-Virus policy can be exported for reuse. This feature saves time since the
entire policy does not have to be reconfigured again.
Complete the following steps to export an existing policy:
1. Launch Faronics Core Console.
2. In the Console Tree Pane, go to Faronics Core Console>[Core Server]>Managed
Workstations>Anti-Virus>[Policy Name].
3. Right-click on the policy and select Export Policy.
4. Browse to select the location
5. Specify a file name and click Save. The policy is exported in XML format.
If a policy assigned to a workstation is deleted, it is replaced by the Default Policy.
It is not possible to delete the Default Policy.