Safety guidelines – Grip Factory Munich GF-Multi Jib User Manual
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GF-Multi Jib Instruction Manual
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The assembly instructions must be read and understood before set-up or operation. The jib may only be
assembled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction manual. The manufacturer’s technical
specifications and limits must be adhered to at all times and in no way exceeded.
The GF-Multi Jib may only be set-up or operated by trained and experienced personnel. To avoid misuse by
untrained personnel, the jib should be dismantled when not in use or under supervision.
For further information on the qualifications required for test personnel please refer to BGV 1, § 33 and §34.
The jib may not be assembled or operated under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other intoxicating
substances. The respective protective clothing e.g. gloves, should be worn.
The manufacturer accepts no liability for damages or injuries for incidents or accidents occurring due to
negligence by the jib operator or misuse of the jib or disregarding the instruction manual..
The base dolly must be level at all times. If necessary, level the base dolly with levelling legs or operate it on
the tripod base. Whether operating or moving the jib on track or on a solid ground surface it is essential that
the track or surface is completely level, stable and free from obstructions.
When operating the jib on track, ensure that the track is level, properly laid and constructed. The correct
underlay must be used to ensure that the track and underlay are secured against moving, slipping and
collapse. Ensure that the underlay meets the specified support and stability requirements.
Extreme caution must be used if tracking on curved track (no faster than a slow walking pace).
Use of the jib on insert vehicles, camera cars or any motorised vehicle is not allowed. The manufacturer
accepts no liability for damages or injuries for incidents or accidents occurring due to use of the jib on insert
vehicles, camera cars or any other motorised vehicles.
Changing weather conditions should be taken into consideration. The jib must be taken out of operation
before the operational wind speed reaches 35kmh. / 22mph.
The complete lift and panning range of the jib must be kept clear of obstructions at all times. A safety
clearance of 0.5m / 19" to surrounding objects and 1m /39” to persons must be observed on all sides of the
jib during operation.
The jib may not be used in the direct vicinity of high voltage power cables. To avoid accidents due to misuse
in the vicinity of high voltage power cables, Safety Guidelines (especially VBG 1 and 4) as well as VDE
regulations (especially 0105 part 100) must be adhered to. If the nominal voltage cannot be determined, a
minimum clearance of 5m / 16ft must be kept at all times. Failing to do so can cause fatalities.
No loose objects may be stored or placed on the crane.
Before the counterweights are removed from the bucket, ensure that the remote bracket is resting on the
ground or alternatively supported by an appropriate stable underlay. Gradually remove the counterweights
before the remote head or camera is removed.
In the interest of safe jib operation abrupt, sudden, abrupt movement of the jib should be avoided.
Only original accessories manufactured by GFM may be used with the jib.