Equalization changes, Thunder bass – Omnia Audio Omnia F/XE User Manual

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| Section 5

Adding more detail: When loudness isn’t the last word

Now that the audio has been “squashed,” look at what it takes to undo a heavily processed signal. Reversing
the procedures listed above will typically work best:

1. Reduce the drive to the Final Limiter.

2. Back off on the influence of the multiband stages:

Reduce the amount of Drive to each band in the multiband.

Reduce the release times to slow down recovery.

3. Ease up on the Wideband-AGC sections:

Reduce the Drive to the WB AGC.

Reduce the release time to operate slower.

Backing off the Limiting sections first will allow the processing to retain a level of competitive loudness
while enhancing quality and the overall dynamic texture will be affected less. Start with reducing the
Limiter amount in 0.5 dB steps. It’s surprising how much detail can be restored from just a small change of
0.5 dB. Generally, changes in the Limiter drives will have the most noticeable effect on quality, but it will
also affect the relative loudness level, too. Find a “happy medium” that’s right for the desired sound.

Equalization Changes

Tailoring the shape of the overall audio spectrum can be done in three different sections:

1. The relative drive settings in the multiband AGC menu. These controls set the drive levels of the

multiband AGC sections.

2. The settings of the multiband Mixer controls.

3. Adjusting the Mixer.

The first two options will provide noticeable change in EQ. We suggest the first option. In this case, an
EQ change is still followed by a dynamically controlled stage. Therefore any excessive EQ change can be
‘undone’ by the subsequent AGC.

The last option, adjusting the Mixer, is designed to provide a final minor trim to the spectrum. If you’ve
noticed that we calibrated these controls in 0.10 dB steps, then you know what we mean when we say these
controls are for fine trim! Since this stage is after all of the dynamic AGC and Limiting, a radical change in
level in the Mixer will result in additional and possibly excessive limiting of audio in that band. We suggest
that changes implemented here be limited to no more than about 1.0 dB. Naturally, the decrease in mix level
can be done to any desired amount.

Thunder Bass

Omnia F/XE has the power to shake the walls with low end! If the source material has it, Omnia F/XE will
put it in the mix. Making changes to this characteristic is done using the following parameters, and for
maximum effectiveness, in the order listed:

1. In the Enhance Menu, increase the amount of Deep Bass boost.

2. In the Enhance Menu, increase the amount of Phat Bass boost.

3. 3. Increase the drive to the LF AFC with the appropriate control in the LO AGC screen.
