Installation inside buildings – REMKO RKS 435 H User Manual

Page 9

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Choosing the installation

The outdoor unit i�� de��igned for
horizontal upright in��tallation
The in��tallation lo�ation for the
unit mu��t be horizontal, flat and
��table.� The unit mu��t al��o be ��e-
�ured again��t tipping.�

The outdoor unit �an be ��et up
either out��ide or in��ide a building.�
�or outdoor in��tallation, follow
the in��tru�tion�� below to prote�t
the unit again��t the effe�t�� of the


�or floor or roof in��tallation, the
unit mu��t be in��talled with at lea��t
10 �m of ground �learan�e.�
On �ooling and heating unit��,
rai��ed in��tallation in�rea��e�� the
heating �apa�ity produ�ed.�
A ba��e bra�ket i�� available a�� an


The fin ex�hanger (�onden��er) for
the outdoor unit i�� a �omponent
that emit�� heat.�
Sunlight in�rea��e�� the temperature
of the fin�� and thu�� redu�e�� the
heat di���harged by the fin ex-
Where po����ible, the outdoor unit
��hould be in��talled on the North-
ern ��ide of the relevant building.�
Shading ��hould be ��et up if re-
quired.� Thi�� �an take the form of a
��mall roof.�
However, the mea��ure�� taken may
not affe�t the emerging flow of
hot air.�


�f the unit i�� to be in��talled in
windy lo�ation��, it mu��t be en-
��ured that the emerging flow
of hot air i�� �arried away in the
prevailing wind dire�tion.� �f thi�� i��
not po����ible, the �u��tomer ��hould
provide wind prote�tion.� Make
��ure that the wind prote�tion doe��
not blo�k the air ��upply to the unit.�

Installation inside buildings


En��ure adequate heat di����ipation if the outdoor unit i�� to be in��talled
in a �ellar, loft, adjoining room or �orridor.�


�n��tall an additional fan, whi�h ��hould have the ��ame volumetri� air
flow a�� the outdoor unit to be in��talled in the room and be �apable of
�ompen��ating for any additional pre����ure lo����e�� �au��ed by air du�t��.�


�n region�� with heavy ��nowfall,
you ��hould in��tall the unit on the
�t ��hould be in��talled at lea��t 20 �m

20 �m

20 �m

above the highe��t expe�ted ��now
level to prevent ��now from pen-
etrating into the outdoor unit.�
A wall bra�ket i�� available a�� an

Minimum clearance to snow

Installation inside buildings


20 �m

Hot air

Cold fre��h

Light well

Outdoor unit

Hot air

Light well



Wind protection

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