Sundance SMT395Q User Manual
Page 18
Version 1.0.7
Page 18 of 31
SMT395Q User Manual
These registers can be read from the BOARD_PARAMS offset in the FPGA.
DSP_n 3.3V is a value that equates to the corresponding voltage using this equation;
V = ( DSP_n3.3V / 4096 ) * 3.3
DSP_n core is a value that equates to the corresponding voltage using this equation;
V = ( DSP_n core / 4096 ) * 2.5
The DDR, FPGA, and DSP core PSU voltages are also referenced to a fraction of 2.5V.
V = ( value / 4096 ) * 2.5
The DSP_n 3.3V supply is passed through a 0.150 Ohm resistor.
The DSP_n core supply is passed through a 0.056 Ohm resistor.
Knowing the voltage drop across these resistors, the current (and hence the power) can be