Logitek Electronic Systems JetStream Audio Networking Platform User Manual
Page 39

Streaming Audio – The Executive Summary
Networked audio is sent out as multicast IP streams. Each stream is assigned a different IP address
automatically by the JetStream. The JetStreams on the audio network communicate to each other so
each JetStream becomes aware of what sources are available. In addition, JetStreams can send and
receive audio to other Audio over IP devices that follow standard RTP over UDP protocols.
However, because those other devices are not JetStreams, they cannot announce their presence to
a JetStream (nor can the JetStream announce its presence to a non-Logitek box, therefore a
common table is kept for the JetStreams to send and receive audio to non-Logitek AoIP devices.
The first step in setting up a JetStream MINI for JetNet Networking is to configure all of the local
inputs and outputs in AEConfig and assigning the appropriate Surface Settings checkmarks.
The second step is to create network outputs, either for individual sources that you wish to share
with other devices or for mix busses (Program, Aux 1, Aux 2, Mix Minus 1, etc.) that you wish to
share with other devices. When uploading this initial configuration to each JetStream, do a Full
Reset at the end of the upload.
The third step is to connect the JetStreams on the network and let them discover each other's
network outputs. The JetStream Server application, which runs on each embedded PC, caches a list
of these sources as well as the local sources that you uploaded with AE Config.
In JetStream Server, under the JetStream State tab is another tab labeled Surface Settings. This tab
will show a similar grid to the Surface Settings in AEConfig, and it will show the checkmarks and I
markers that were uploaded from AEConfig. As the JetStream discovers the network sources from
other devices, they will be added as rows in the grid. Then, add check and/or I markers as desired
to assign those network sources to the surface; they will then be available for the surface to route
and control.
JetStream Server will keep these network source names and checkmarks in its cache and store it to
a local file. The JetStream will keep this cache, even though power cycles, until a Full Reset is
performed. After the Full Reset, the cache-building process begins again and the network sources
will need to be added to the Surface Settings again.
Non-Logitek AoIP devices are kept in a text file called JSM_Net_Def.txt. This file is placed in
D:\Logitek of each JetStream and should be identical on all machines.
Logitek JetStream MINI Reference Manual