1introduction to acos – RISCO Group ACOS User Manual
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User Manual for ACOS
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© RISCO Group
Introduction to ACOS
The Risco Access Control system (RAC) is a security system that can be used to control and manage access to
a site (building). The RAC system comprises several client applications. Their details are described in the
following table.
Application Name
Access Control Operator Station
ACOS is used for client account
Access Control Installer Station
ACIS is used to configure devices
at the client location and create
sections in an account.
Access Control User Station
ACUS is used to manage the
access control system at the
Access Control Web Station
ACWS is used for visitor
management and automation
Access Control Management
Station (ACMS)
ACMS is used to view server
queue details and manage worker
handler threads.
Map Editor
Map Editor is used to create Maps
that will be used in the Access
Control System at the client site.
You will use ACOS to create and manage accounts. An account is created for a client who has purchased the
RAC system and wants to implement it within the premises. An Account is the physical location where RAC
System will be deployed and managed.
When you create an Account and assign an Installer Company to it, the Installer from the company sets up
the hardware at the location and configures the devices. When an operator creates an Installer Company, a
Main Installer is created who has access to ACIS (used to configure firmware devices) and all sections in the
particular account. (The premises of an account can be divided into sections depending upon requirement.
A section is an area that divides the account into logical configurable units.) When you create an account, a
Main User and a Main Section are created. Main User is the user profile created by default. The Main Section
is the logical configuration unit created in an account by default.
Each account has a unique identification number, (Account Reference Number) assigned to it. This Account
Reference Number serves as the most important identifier for the account and is required to log on to
ACUS and ACWS. This should be present in the Configuration file when the Installer configures firmware
When ACOS is installed, the Main Operator is created. The Main Operator can create other operators who
have access to ACOS.
ACOS is available in the following languages:
• English
• French
• Italian