Rosen Aviation 0602 Series : Single-Disc Blu-ray Player with SDI User Manual

Page 32

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Rosen Aviation

Blu-ray DVD Player with SDI

Document Number: 105880

Revision: B
Date: 09/19/13

Template:; Revision A; 12/06/12

Page 32 of 33

HDMI High Definition Multimedia Interface

HD-SDI High Definition Serial Digital Interface

IP Internet Protocol

IR Infrared

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

LPCM Linear Pulse Code Modulation

MP3 MPEG layer 3, which is a compressed audio format

NTFS New Technology File System; a format used for large files

NTSC National Television Standards Committee. A video standard used in the

United States, Canada, Japan, Mexico, the Philippines, South Korea,
Taiwan, and some other countries.

OSD On Screen Display

– the actual user/technician menu, and any

informational readouts displayed on the image.

PAL Phase Alternating Line. A video standard used in Europe, China, Malaysia,

Australia, New Zealand, the Middle East, parts of Africa, and other parts of
the world.

PCM Pulse Code Modulation

P/N Part Number

RDM Remote Display Module

RMEB Remote Monitor Electronics Box

RMS Root Mean Squared

RS-232 Standard for serial binary data interchange

RS-485 Standard for allowing multiple devices to share a common set of serial data

communication lines.

SDI Serial Digital Interface

SPDIF Sony/Philips Digital InterFace (Serial digital audio)

TMDS Transition-minimized differential signaling

USB Universal Serial Bus

Vpp Volts peak-to-peak; the maximum range of a sine wave. Sometimes

expressed as Vp-p.
