Horizon Navigation NavMate Car GPS Receiver User Manual
Page 38
Selecting a Destination
NavMate Navigation System
Screen 7. Select POI Search Method Screen
The Select POI Search Method screen offers three different ways to select
from all POIs, as shown in Screen 8. The options are described in Table 6.
Refer to the following sections depending on the option you select.
After selecting a POI, the Select Route Criteria screen is displayed. Refer to
“Selecting Route Criteria” on page 31 for more details.
By Category
Upon selecting the “By Category” option within the Select POI Search
Method screen, the Select POI Category screen is displayed. Scroll through the
list to highlight/select the category you want. (Refer to “Using List Mode” on
page 18 for more details.)
Screen 8. Select POI Category Screen
Table 6. Select POI Search Method Screen Options
Select This Option to...
By Category
List over 40 types of POIs contained in the navigation CD. It is the most
general way to select a POI and is similar to the yellow pages.
By First Few
Enter a few letters of a name when you are not sure which category the POI
would belong to.
By Both Methods
Select a category, then spell the first few letters of the name. For example,
select this option if you are looking for the nearest location of a national
franchise, like Taco Bell.