Lectrosonics PT3 User Manual

Page 27

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Protocol Translator


The ‘BANK0’ through ‘BANK7’ commands cause changes to levels 1-8 to be treated as different levels by the PT3,
thus simulating 56 additional levels, as shown in the table below. Commonly these commands are sent at the same
time a new touch panel page is displayed, to change the level assignments according to context. The bank setting
affects the levels used for both actions and monitors.


Levels 1-8 translate to levels 1-8


Levels 1-8 translate to levels 9-16


Levels 1-8 translate to levels 17-4


Levels 1-8 translate to levels 25-32


Levels 1-8 translate to levels 33-40


Levels 1-8 translate to levels 41-48


Levels 1-8 translate to levels 49-56


Levels 1-8 translate to levels 57-64

SEND_STRING capability

The SEND_STRING command may be used to interact directly with LecNet devices. With CREATE_BUFFER,
responses may be received via the LecNet. The basic syntax is as follows:



PT3_AXLINK_ID is the AXlink device number assigned to the PT3 in the Options window. The first byte of the string
is the LecNet address of the target device. The last byte is 128 greater than the length of the response string (128 for
no response string). The remaining bytes are transmitted to the LecNet device unaltered. Owing to the nature of the
LecNet protocol, these remaining bytes are limited to the range of 0 to 127 decimal.

Here is an example command which will mute channel 1 on an AM8 mixer at LecNet address 128.



The first byte is the LecNet address of the AM8, 128. The next three bytes form the Channel 1 Mute command, 6, 0,
31. The final 128 indicates that no reply is expected. (The last byte is always 128 greater than the length of the
reply.) Note that such a simple command would more easily be handled as an action, and in fact an action is supplied
to do this.

Here is an example of something which cannot be handled as an Action: a string is sent which queries the device at
LecNet address 128 in order to ensure that it is an AM8, as expected.



The first byte is again the target LecNet address, 128. The next byte is the command being issued. The 1 command
tells any LecNet device to respond with its name, as a length-preceded string. The AM8, for instance, replies with
four bytes: character code 3, indicating three bytes are to follow, then ‘A’,‘M’,‘8’. In the AXCESS language, this
response string could be expressed as “3,‘AM8’”. The last byte, 132, is 128 greater than the expected reply length of
4. A buffer associated with the PT3, created with CREATE_BUFFER, receives the reply. A WAIT in the mainline may
be used to detect a timeout condition, in case no response is received. For best results, always indicate the actual
number of bytes in the response, if known.

The PT3 can receive strings up to 20 bytes in length via SEND_STRING. The length of the expected reply can be up
to 126 bytes, but no more than the first 20 bytes of a reply are returned.

Rio Rancho, NM – USA

