Excluding disks on a vm host from the storage pool – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 99

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If linked clone provisioning is specified (by checking Deploy as Linked Servers in the server
group configuration), all disks for all VMs in the server group are allocated to the same

If a Storage Volume Name is specified in the infrastructure orchestration template, all disks
for all VMs in the server group are allocated to the datastore that matches the Storage Volume

If there are no shared disks, no Storage Volume Names, and no linked clones, then each VM
in the server group and its disks may be allocated to different hosts on different datastores,
or to the same host and different datastores, based on free space.

Virtual data disk names can contain letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), space, underscore, and
hyphen. Other characters, including double-byte characters, are not allowed. Physical data disks
and boot disks can contain localized names.

Excluding disks on a VM Host from the storage pool

For VM guests, use shared storage instead of storage that is only local to the host. This enables
efficient movement when the VM guest is moved to another VM Host. It is also a best practice to
isolate the backing storage for virtual machines on a separate drive from any storage containing
hypervisor system files, which results in greater performance.

Infrastructure orchestration services can be configured with the devices to be used for provisioning
VMs. Unless configured, IO considers all volumes on a VM Host for provisioning a virtual machine.

To exclude disks on a VM Host from consideration as a datastore for a virtual machine, do the

Log into the CMS.


Navigate to the ..\Program Files\HP\Matrix infrastructure orchestration\



In the hpio.properties file, locate the following section:

##################### VOLUMES TO EXCLUDE #####################
# A semicolon separated list of volumes to be excluded for the
# list possible for allocation. They can be either VMware or
# Hyper-V style volumes:
# e.g. /vmfs/volumes/privateStorage; /vmfs/volumes/NotHere
# or C:;Y:;Z:
# An entry may contain one or more "*" characters which
# represent a wildcard and will match any character.
# comparison are case-insensitive.
# For example, if you had two volumes with Ids of
# "/vmfs/volumes/storage1" and "/vmfs/volumes/storage2" –
# you could exclude them both with an entry of
# "/vmfs/volumes/storage*".
# Note:
# This exclusion list applies to all hosts. So any host that
# is found to have a volume that matches an entry on the
# exclusion list - the volume will be removed and not reported
# as available to that host.
volume.exclusion.list =


To configure a Hyper-V VM Host, add the drive letters to exclude (for example, “C:;Y:;Z:”)
to the property volume.exclusion.list.


To configure a VMware VM Host, add the datastore path to exclude (for example,

) to the property volume.exclusion.list.


Save the file.


Restart the Windows Service: HP Matrix Operating Environment infrastructure orchestration.

Matrix infrastructure orchestration lifecycle operations

