Marathon Computer UNIPRO V3.5 User Manual

Page 200

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Unipro 3.5

Rev. 0. 00
November 30, 1995

Hexadecimal code is an extremely helpful
number representation when coding
computer systems. Recall that most
addressing systems for microprocessors
involve 16 binary bits which convert to
four HEX digits and 8 binary data bits
that convert to two HEX digits. The HEX
system allows very long binary numbers
to be represented in a must shorter way.
Many of the responses to the MMI
Controller's Serial Communications
questions are in HEX. Therefore, in
order for the user to correctly interpret an
answer, a clear understanding of the
Hexadecimal number system must be


An H is written after hexadecimal

numbers to signify that the number is
hexadecimal, it is not part of the actual
number value.
