Update checking, 3 update checking – Kerio Tech KERIO WINROUTE FIREWALL 6 User Manual

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Chapter 16

Administrative settings



In WinRoute, you can use a similar method to allow or block remote administration of Kerio

MailServer — for connection via the Administration Console, use the predefined service KMS

Admin, for the Web Administration use HTTPS.

Note: Be very careful while defining traffic rules, otherwise you could block remote administra-

tion from the host you are currently working on. However, in most cases, WinRoute recognizes

such situation and shows a warning message. Local connections (from the WinRoute Firewall

Engine’s host) works anyway. Such a traffic cannot be blocked by any rule.

16.3 Update Checking

WinRoute enables automatic check for new versions at the Kerio Technologies website. When-

ever a new version is detected, is download and installation is offered.

Open the Update Checker tab in the Configuration Advanced Options section to view infor-
mation on a new version and to set parameters for automatic checks for new versions.

Figure 16.3

Check for new WinRoute versions

Last update check performed ... ago

Information on how much time ago the last update check was performed.

If the time is too long (several days) this may indicate that the automatic update checks

fail for some reason (i.e. access to the update server is blocked by a traffic rule). In

such cases we recommend you to perform a check by hand (by clicking on the Check now

button), view results in the Debug log (see chapter


) and take appropriate actions.

Check for new versions

Use this option to enable/disable automatic checks for new versions. Checks are per-

