Winroute components, 9 winroute components – Kerio Tech KERIO WINROUTE FIREWALL 6 User Manual

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2.8 Upgrade - Software Appliance / VMware Virtual Appliance


2.8 Upgrade - Software Appliance / VMware Virtual Appliance

WinRoute can be upgraded by the following two methods:

by starting the system from the installation CD (or a mounted ISO) of the new version.

The installation process is identical with the process of a new installation with an the

only exception that at the start the installer asks you whether to execute an upgrade

(any existing data will be kept) or a new installation (all configuration files, statistics,

logs, etc will be removed). For details, see chapter



by the Kerio Administration Console update checker. For details, refer to chapter


2.9 WinRoute Components

WinRoute consists of the following modules:

WinRoute Firewall Engine

WinRoute Firewall Engine is the core of the program that provides all services and func-

tions. It is running as a service in the operating system (the service is called Kerio

WinRoute Firewall and it is run automatically within the system account by default).

WinRoute Engine Monitor (Windows only)

Allows viewing and modification of the Engine’s status (stopped / running) and setting

of start-up preferences (i.e. whether Engine and Monitor should be run automatically at

system start-up). It also provides easy access to the Administration Console. For details,

refer to chapter



Note: WinRoute Firewall Engine is independent on the WinRoute Engine Monitor. The

Engine can be running even if there is no icon in the system tray.

Kerio Administration Console (Windows only)

It is a versatile console for full local or remote administration of Kerio Technologies server

products. For successful connection to an application you need a plug-in with an appro-

priate interface.

Kerio Administration Console is installed on Windows hand-in-hand with the appropriate

module during the installation of Kerio WinRoute. The separate installation package Kerio

Administration Console for WinRoute is available for remote administration from another

host. The Kerio Administration Console is available for Windows only, but it can be used

for administration of both WinRoute installed on Windows and Kerio WinRoute Firewall

Software Appliance / VMware Virtual Appliance.

Detailed guidance for Kerio Administration Console is provided in Kerio Administration

Console — Help (


The firewall’s console (Software Appliance / VMware Virtual Appliance only)

The firewall’s console is a simple interface permanently running on the WinRoute host. It

allows to set basic parameters of the operating system and the firewall for cases when it

is not possible to administer it remotely via the Web Administration interface or the Kerio

Administration Console.
