Dexter Laundry T-30X2 EXPRESS - 60 Hz Gas (On-Premise) User Manual

Page 6

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V Top

Refer to figure labeled “Vertical Clearance Dimensions”.


Certification allows 0" clearance at the top 4" [102] back from the front.
However, a 1/4" [6] clearance should be allowed in case the dryer needs


A 10" [254] clearance is required from top at all other points.

VI. Floor

This unit may be installed upon a combustible floor.

Do not obstruct the flow of combustion and ventilation air.

Maintain minimum of 1" [25] clearance between duct and combustible material.

Refer to the label attached to the Belt Guard on the rear of the dryer for other installation
information and start-up instructions.

3. MAKE-UP AIR. Adequate make-up air (600CFM/DRUM, 1200CFM/DRYER [34 m



must be supplied to replace air exhausted by dryers on all types of installations. Provide a
minimum of 1.5 ft² [0.14 m²] of make-up air opening to the outside for each dryer. This is a net
requirement of effective area. Screens, grills or louvers, which will restrict the flow of air, must
be considered. Consult the supplier to determine the free area equivalent for the grill being used.

The source of make-up air should be located sufficiently away from the dryers to allow an

even airflow to the air intakes of all dryers. Multiple openings should be provided.

NOTE: The following considerations must be observed for gas dryer installations where dry

cleaners are installed. The sources of all make-up air and room ventilation air
movement to all dryers must be located away from any dry cleaners. This is
