SENA HD1300 User Manual
Page 25

Starter Kit and User Manual for the HelloDevice 1300
5.2 Serial Communication Demo Using Terminal Applet
Sample programs are provided in the HelloDevice 1300 Starter's Kit, for serial communication demo. Let’s
check the function by using one of the sample programs. You will need a PC equipped with Ethernet card and
serial port for Ethernet-to-RS232 data conversion demo.
The scenario is as follows: If you connect to the homepage of the HelloDevice by using any browser, a terminal
applet page will be shown to you. If you enter any character by pressing any key on keyboard, the characters will
be transferred to the HelloDevice over network. Then, the characters will be transferred to user PC by way of the
HelloDevice RS-232 port, if the HelloDevice is hooked up with serial port of user PC. You can see the data
stream on your PC by using any RS232 terminal emulator. You may send characters to the network interface of
your PC by entering any characters on your RS232 emulator. Take following steps for this demo.
§ Configure serial communication parameter of the HelloDevice
§ Hook up your PC and the HelloDevice for demo
§ Building a Homepage for demo
§ Test RS232 communication demo
Conceptual drawing for this demo system is shown in Figure 5.8.
Figure 5.8 Conceptual drawing for the serial communication demo
Ethernet backbone
RS232 communication
TCP/IP communication
Terminal Applet (Socket Interface)
RS232 terminal
(COM1 or COM2)
TCP port 6001