Replacement part instructions – Franklin Fueling Systems Main System Board for Tank Sentinel, AutoStik, BulkStik ATGs User Manual

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Tank Sentinel


Replacement Part Instructions

0000200 REV C

E - m a i l : t e c h @ f r a n k l i n f u e l i n g . c o m F A X 1 - 2 0 7 - 2 8 2 - 9 0 0 2

T E L 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 8 4 - 6 2 6 6 P A G E

2 o f 4

s a l e s @ i n c o n . c o m

F A X 1 - 2 0 7 - 2 8 3 - 0 1 5 8

T E L 1 - 8 0 0 - 8 7 2 - 3 4 5 5

Need: Digital multimeter to read Voltage, screw drivers, and marking tape and pen.

Parts Supplied (Documents 000-0200, -0205, -0206, 0207, -0211, -0212, -0213) and:

1.) Main System Board (MSB) for Tank Sentinel, AutoStik Jr, BulkStik console (See Diagram A)

o r

2.) Main System Board (MSB) for the TS-2001, & AutoStik II (See Diagram B) and

3.) Packaging and Large Electronic Component anti-static bag (reuse to ship the old MSB

back to INCON... after receiving RMA paper work.)


Printout the complete System Setup Report and Tank Setup reports for all tanks (or up-load the

Setup configuration). Print this data before you proceed. You must cold boot and reprogram

the entire tank gauge after the MSB is replaced (the setup configuration reports down-load will

save a lot of the required time to reprogram a system console).

Removal & Installation Steps (with all Tank Gauge POWER OFF):

Removal of the old Main System Board

DANGER Electrical Shock Hazard. Locate and disconnect / turn off all external

power sources before working on or servicing these circuits (Relay Output terminals and

main system power terminals, and – in the case of TS-2001 consoles – the power

going to the TS-IEM module terminals).


Remove the golden metal probe & sensor terminal guard & power safety-shield.


Remove the external communication cables from the bottom of the console at:J9, J8 and J7.


Remove the external BriteBox Interface Cable at Connector at J11. Push the two side

tabs out, grasp the connector, and pull it out of its socket.


Verify that no voltage / power is present at the lower right set of vertically arranged

terminals ...check all terminals / circuits before removing any wires.


Tape and mark all wires at the lower right set of terminals so they can be correctly

reinstalled later.


Remove the tagged and marked power wires at the lower right side of the Main Circuit

Board (J13 TS-LLD, J14 INPUTS, J17 POWER & SAFETY GND, and J15 & J16


DO NOT remove the probe or sensor wires (this interface board will remain in place

because it is beneath, or at a lower level than the MSB.
