HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
Page 18
Table 3 Requirements and Restrictions for Compatible PAV (continued)
Requirement and/or Restriction
Compatible Hyper PAV
Compatible PAV
Virtual LVI
Cache Residency Manager
Volume Security
HP StorageWorks XP Auto LUN Software
TrueCopy for Mainframe
Hitachi ShadowImage™ for Mainframe
Universal Replicator for Mainframe
Concurrent Copy (CC) with restrictions
HP StorageWorks XP for FlashCopy Mirroring Software and HP StorageWorks
XP for FlashCopy Mirroring V2 Software
HP StorageWorks XP for Compatible Extended Remote Copy (XRC) Software
with restrictions (see Caution below this table)
If you need more information about XP Auto LUN, see the HP StorageWorks
XP24000/XP20000 Auto LUN Software User's Guide.
The device used as a journal volume of Universal Replicator for Mainframe,
the device used as a system disk, and the device used as a migration volume
cannot be used as a base device.
The device used as a system disk cannot be used as a base device.
See the Hitachi TrueCopy™ for Mainframe User's Guide: HP XP24000 Disk
Array, HP XP20000 Disk Array for important information on GDPS support
for 2105 or 2107 emulation.
Functions that can be used
concurrently with Compatible PAV
Data Exchange
Open Volume Management
Cache Residency Manager
LUN Manager
HP StorageWorks XP Continuous Access Software
HP StorageWorks XP Business Copy Software
HP StorageWorks XP Continuous Access Journal Software
The devices used by the functions above can coexist in the same
storage system with the devices used by the XP for Compatible PAV Software
or XP for Compatible Hyper PAV Software. However, the devices used by Data
Exchange cannot coexist in the same CU with the devices used by the XP for
Compatible PAV Software or XP for Compatible Hyper PAV Software. Use the
devices in the different CUs for each functions.
Functions that cannot be used
concurrently with Compatible PAV
Preparing for Compatible PAV Operations