Viewing replication tasks – HP StoreAll Storage User Manual

Page 133

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When specifying resources, note the following:

Specify servers by their host name or IP address (use commas to separate the names or IP
addresses). A host is any server on the target cluster that has the target file system mounted.

Specify the network using the IBRIX software network name (NIC). Enter a valid user NIC or
the cluster NIC. The NIC assignment is optional. If it is not specified, the host name (or IP) is
used to determine the network.

A previous server assignment for the same export must not exist, or must be removed before
a new assignment is created.

The listed servers receive remote replication data over the specified NIC. To increase capacity,
you can expand the number of preferred servers by executing this command again with another
list of servers.

You can also use the ibrix_crr_nic command for the following tasks:

Restore the default server assignments for remote replication:

ibrix_crr_nic -D -f FSNAME [-p directory]

View server assignments for remote replication. The output lists the target exports and associated
server assignments on this cluster. The assigned servers and NIC are listed with a corresponding
ID number that can be used in commands to remove assignments.

ibrix_crr_nic -l

Remove a server assignment:

ibrix_crr_nic -r -P ASSIGNMENT_ID1[,...,ASSIGNMENT_IDn]

To obtain the ID for a particular server, use ibrix_crr_nic -l.

Configuring and managing replication tasks on the GUI


When configuring replication tasks, be sure to following the guidelines described in

“Overview” (page 127)


Viewing replication tasks

To view replication tasks for a particular file system, select that file system on the GUI and then
select Active Tasks > Remote Replication in the lower Navigator. The Remote Replication Tasks
bottom panel lists any replication tasks currently running or paused on the file system.

You can use CRR health reports to check the status of CRR activities on the source and target cluster.
To see a list of health reports for active replication tasks, click List Report on the Remote Replication
Tasks panel.

Configuring and managing replication tasks on the GUI

