System::ondiskatime, System::mode, Query mode – HP StoreAll Storage User Manual

Page 231: System::ondiskatime system::mode query mode

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The atime inode field in StoreAll can be accessed as the system::onDiskAtime attribute from
the API. This field represents different concepts in the lifetime of a WORM/retained file, and it
often represents a concept other than the time of the file’s last access, which is why the field was
named onDiskAtime rather than (for example) lastAccessedTime. (See

“Retention properties

assignment” (page 218)

for a description of this life cycle).

Before a file is retained, whether WORM state or not, atime represents the last accessed time,
as long as the file system is mounted with the non-default atime option. If the file system is
mounted with the default noatime option, atime is the file’s creation time, and never changes
unless the file is retained (see the second bullet). See

“Creating and mounting file systems”

(page 15)

for more information about mount options.

While a file is in the retained state, atime represents the retention expiration time.

After retention expires, atime represents the time at which the file was first retained (even if
the file has been retained and expired more than once), and it never changes again, unless
the file is re-retained (see the second bullet).

If you have enabled the auditing of file read events, then reads are logged in the audit logs.
However, file reads do not update system::onDiskAtime even if the file reads are being
audited. All other file accesses modify the system::onDiskAtime with the current value of

. Therefore, before the file is retained (first bullet), if the file system is mounted with the


option, system::onDiskAtime represents the last accessed time before the last file

modification, not necessarily the current atime or the last accessed time. To list all read accesses
to a file, use the ibrix_audit_reports command as described in the HP StoreAll OS CLI
Reference Guide


The following system::mode bits are defined (in octal):

0140000 socket
0120000 symbolic link
0100000 regular file
0060000 block device
0040000 directory
0020000 character device
0010000 FIFO
0004000 set UID bit
0002000 set-group-ID bit
0001000 sticky bit
0000400 owner has read permission
0000200 owner has write permission
0000100 owner has execute permission
0000040 group has read permission
0000020 group has write permission
0000010 group has execute permission
0000004 others have read permission
0000002 others have write permission
0000001 others have execute permission

Query mode

The Store All REST API provides two search modes when querying. The mode determines the scope
of queried data and also the response format.

Default mode (or bypath mode): This mode will consider only live files in query results. Any
reference to the system::delete attribute in the request will result in an HTTP 400 Bad

error. In this mode, the system::path attribute is the top-level JSON key. Therefore,

JSON will contain just one stanza for a pathname. The advantage of this mode is that the

Metadata queries

