Letters and numbers, Entering characters via the navitm roller, Entering characters via the keypad – Nokia 7160 User Manual

Page 34: Entering characters via the navi, Roller

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Letters and numbers

6. Letters and numbers

When working with the phone book, calendar, or to-do list, you can enter
letters and numbers either via the phone’s keypad (1 to 9), or using the
roller. When working with text messages or the to-do list, an additional
option, called "predictive text input" is also available. For more information
on this feature, see "Using predictive text input" on page 64.

Entering characters via the Navi



Enter letters, numbers, and punctuation using the roller

1. Use the roller to scroll through the available

characters (upper/lower case characters, numbers,
and punctuation).

2. Press the roller to insert the highlighted letter

or number.




If you make a mistake, you can remove characters to the left by
pressing Clear as many times as needed. Pressing and holding Clear
clears the screen.

To move the cursor, scroll to one of the arrow symbols (!,", #, or $%)
and press the roller to move the cursor in the direction of the highlighted
arrow symbol.

Note: You can also move the cursor by first pressing Options, then pressing

the roller at Move cursor. Scroll to the location you want and
press Done to move the cursor.

Entering characters via the keypad

If you chose to use the keypad when entering text and
other characters, the keypad functions in 2 modes:
alpha mode and numeric mode. A status indicator in
the upper left corner indicates what mode you are in.
