Download a ringing tone, Play, save, or erase a ringing tone – Nokia 7160 User Manual

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Other options

The Bookmarks options menu provides you with several options for using
or manipulating existing bookmarks. From this menu, the following options
are available:

Add a bookmark - used to add a bookmark manually (while off-line
or while browsing).

Go to - takes you to the highlighted bookmark from the previous screen
(the equivalent of highlighting a bookmark and pressing the roller).

Edit - used to edit the highlighted bookmark from the previous screen.

Erase - used to erase the highlighted bookmark from the previous screen.

• Download a ringing tone

You can download up to five ringing tones to your phone from some WAP
sites, sites on the WWW, or through SMS. For more information about
downloading ringing tones, contact your service provider.

Play, save, or erase a ringing tone

Once you’ve downloaded a ringing tone, your phone displays the message
Ringing tone received.

1. Press Options, then choose Playback, Save, or Erase.

2. Press OK.

If you chose to save the new ringing tone, it becomes available to you
when customizing a profile (see “Customizing a profile” on page 50).
