Logging media efficiently, P. 257) – Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 258

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Chapter 18

Logging Clips



Avoiding Duplicate Timecode Numbers on a Single Tape

If you aren’t careful during production, you can end up with duplicate timecode
numbers on your tape. Each time the camcorder is powered off and on again, there is a
potential that the camcorder will reset the timecode counter to zero. This is especially
true when working with consumer camcorders. For logging, capturing, and media
management, a tape with the same timecode number in two or more locations is very
difficult to work with.

If someone asks you to capture media from timecode 00:00:00:00 to 00:01:00:00 on reel
1, you assume that you should capture the first minute of the tape. But if the
camcorder was powered off and back on at some point during the shoot, the timecode
counter may have reset somewhere in the middle of the tape. This tape has two
occurrences of timecode 00:00:00:00, so which occurrence should you capture?

Worse, during logging and capturing, neither Final Cut Pro nor the VTR will necessarily
navigate to the proper timecode 00:00:00:00, because there are two. Device control
uses timecode for positioning information, and always assumes that timecode numbers
increase as the tape progresses. If the timecode starts over somewhere in the middle of
the tape, you have to manually navigate to the correct area of the tape.

Logging Media Efficiently

If you’re logging a lot of material, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the
various keyboard shortcuts you can use. Here’s an example of a logging workflow.

 Use the J, K, and L keys to quickly play through your tape. Press J to play the tape at

various speeds in reverse, press K to stop playback, and press L to play the tape at a
variety of speeds going forward. For more information, see “

Shuttling Through a

Clip or Sequence

” on page 101.

 When you’ve identified your In and Out points, press I to set the In point and press

O to set the Out point.

 Press F2 to log your clip.
 If the Prompt checkbox is selected, a dialog appears where you can enter a name,

and then press Tab to move down to the Notes field, if desired.

 Press Return or Enter to finish logging the clip.

Repeat this sequence for other clips you want to log.

Here are additional pointers for logging your material quickly:

 A new In point is automatically set at the Out point of the last logged clip.
 If you’re using the automatic naming feature and the Prompt box is unselected, the

Shot/Take field that makes up the clip’s name is automatically updated.
