Operation – Det-Tronics PIRECL Infrared Hydrocarbon Gas Detector PointWatch Eclipse User Manual

Page 20

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faCtory DefaUlt SettingS
The Pointwatch Eclipse is shipped from the factory pre-

calibrated and set for the customer’s choice of 0-100%

LFL methane, propane, ethylene, or butane. Detection

of gases other than the factory default gas will require

changing the gas setting and performing field calibration

of the device. HART or MODBUS communication is

required to change the factory default settings. Refer

to the HART Communications Appendix within this

document for additional guidance.

operating MoDeS
The Eclipse has three operating modes: warm-up,

normal, and calibrate.

Warm-up mode is entered upon application of 24 Vdc

operating power. During warm-up, the 4-20 mA current

loop output will indicate warm-up, the indicating LED is

yellow, and the alarm outputs are disabled. The warm-up

mode lasts nominally two (2) minutes after power-up.

After warm-up mode is completed, the device

automatically enters the Normal mode, and all analog

and alarm outputs are enabled.

Calibration of the Eclipse is normally not required; however,

the user has the option to verify proper calibration or to

perform calibration procedures if necessary. Guidelines

for when to perform a calibration or a response test are

listed in Table 2. The user has the choice of three methods

to place the device into the Calibrate mode. Refer to the

"Calibration" section in this manual for details.

4-20 Ma CUrrent loop oUtpUt
Eclipse provides an isolated, linear current loop output

that is proportional to the detected gas level. Fault and

calibration status are also indicated by this output.

The factory default for full-scale 100% LFL output is 20

mA. Other full scale values (from 20 to 100% LFL) can

be selected using HART or MODBUS communication.

HART and MODBUS interfaces also have the ability to

calibrate the 4 mA and 20 mA levels.

When the default setting is selected, the LFL percentage

for a given current reading can be calculated using the

% LFL = (X – 4) ÷ 0.16

X = Current reading

in milliamperes

Example: Device reads 12 mA.

12 – 4 = 8

8 ÷ 0.16 = 50

50% LFL is indicated.

Normally, the current loop output is proportional to the

selected standard gas type only.

table 2—Calibration or Response test


Calibration response




Gas selection changed


Non-standard gas
(using linearization other than methane)


Replace any part


Constant zero offset


Periodic Functional Testing
(at least once a year)

