Det-Tronics Mac - w/Supercard User Manual

Page 21

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This will bring up a dialog box where the operator enters the gate-
way number, point number, and then chooses the status bit from a
pop-up menu. After this procedure, selecting “enter” will then place
the correct Modbus address in the field.

9. Enter the Event Value.

Enter the analog value that will trigger an event (Word type events
only). Setpoint values range from 0 to 4095 with 4095 representing
the full scale value of the device. Refer to the System Configuration
Matrix (95-8453) for the range of values for specific devices.

10. Use the checkboxes in the Event Modifier dialog box to define how

the event will be annunciated. Clicking on a checkbox turns the
annunciation on or off.

a. Event Window

The Event Window checkbox controls the appearance of the
event name when that event occurs.

The event window is a three line ”First In First Out (FIFO)” display
area running the full width of the screen at its bottom. The current
date and time is displayed on the right side of the event window.

The event window displays the last three events (configured with
Event Window feature on) or errors that have occurred. Each
new event that occurs will appear at the bottom of the event win-
dow. Any previous events in the window will move up one. The
oldest event will scroll off the top and disappear.

b. Log to File

The Log to File checkbox controls the posting of the event to the
daily log.

The daily log keeps a one day chronological history of date and
time-tagged events. The log begins at midnight and continues
until the following midnight. A new file is created at midnight.

The daily log is readily accessible for viewing at any time by
means of the EventHistoryEV program. Current event status is dis-
played by means of the EventsActiveEV program.

c. Sound

The Sound checkbox controls the verbal alarm annunciation from
EagleVision. This has no effect on any audible alarm controlled
by any other device.

d. Printer

The Printer checkbox controls the printing function for the current

When printing is selected, an additional pull-down menu
appears. This menu permits selection of the colors that the event
message will be printed and displayed. Color for both normal
and event conditions can be selected. Color selections include:
black (default), blue, red or green.

Event Configuration (EagleVision) (




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