CCI Thermal Technologies EFX Storm Hood User Manual

Storm hood for type efx exhaust fan

background image

1.0 Storm hood aSSembly

1.1 Take the top panel of the storm hood and

place it face down. Bolt side panels to the top

panel using a 7/16” wrench and x3 bolts on

each panel. Two washers, one lock washer

and one nut are provided to secure the

side panels (See FIGURE 1, FIGURE 2,

and FIGURE 3).

FIGURE 1 - PanEl oRIEnTaTIon

FIGURE 2 - BolT aSSEmBly

FIGURE 3 - ToP & SIdE PanEl aSSEmBly

1.2 Take the bottom panel of the storm hood

and fasten it to the side panels. Use a 7/16”

wrench and x2 bolts on each side of the

bottom panel. Two washers, one lock washer

and one nut are provided to secure the side

panels (See FIGURE 4).

FIGURE 4 - BoTTom PanEl InSTallaTIon

1.3 Slide the bird screen into the storm hood until it

reaches the end of the hood (See FIGURE 5).

Snap clips into place to secure the

screen (See FIGURE 6).

SToRm hood

FoR TyPE EFx ExhaUST Fan

InSTallaTIon & oPERaTIon


E-mail: [email protected]

date of Issue: January 2013


Printed In Canada

ISO 9001

Side Panel

Top Panel


lock Washer



Bottom Panel
