Dako Artisan™ Link Pro User Manual

Page 21

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Dako Artisan™ Link


Basic User Guide


2. Click

Special stains. The Protocol field will now list only the special stains protocols.


: The new

Special stains protocol filter selection remains as the default

unless you change it later.

3. Click the drop-down arrow in the

Protocol field. A list of special stains procedures displays.

4. Select the stain you want to use.


: You may also type the first letters of the protocol into the

Protocol field text

box if you know the special stain you want to use.

6. If required, complete the

Block, Type, and Slide notes fields.

7. If the slide requires

deparaffinization only, check the box.

8. If the slide requires both drying and deparaffinization, check the

Slide drying box.



To add comments, place your cursor in the

Slide notes box and type the comments. These

comments will appear on the slide report.

10. Click the

Add Slides button.


: You can add more slides of the same case and protocol by simply clicking


Add Slide button or by using the up or down arrows under Quantity.

11. Repeat Step 2 until all slides for the run are added. Then continue to Step 3.
