Ameri-King AK-451-ELT User Manual
Page 73
FAA Form 337
For most installations an FAA Form 337 will be required for FAA registration.
Additional information regarding the completion of FAA Form 337 can be found in
Advisory Circular AC 43.9-1F (Instructions for Completion of FAA Form 337). AC
43-210 (Standardized Procedures for Requesting Field Approval of Data, Major
Alterations and Repairs) provides further guidance. This manual constitutes FAA
approved data as described in AC 43.9-1F, paragraph (h)(2) and AC 43-210, chapter
2, paragraph 201(a)(6) for major alterations. Not all installations are "major;" consult
your local FAA ACO for clarification.
Data used as a basis for approving major repairs or alterations for return to service
must be FAA-approved prior to its use for that purpose and includes: FAR (e.g.,
airworthiness directives), ACs (e.g., AC 43.13-2B under certain circumstances),
TSOs, parts manufacturing approval (PMA), FAA-approved manufacturer’s
instructions, kits and service handbooks, type certificate data sheets and aircraft
specifications. Other forms of approved data would be those approved by a
designated engineering representative (DER), a manufacturer holding a delegation
option authorization (DOA), STCs and, with certain limitations, previous FAA field
Supporting data such as stress analyses, test reports, sketches, or photographs should
be submitted with the FAA Form 337. The Ameri-King IM-451 Installation Manual
may be used as a supporting data.
These supporting data will be returned to the applicant by the local FAA district
office since only FAA Form 337 is retained as a part of the aircraft records at
Oklahoma City.