Mix: output assignment – Muse Research Receptor manual v1.2 User Manual
Page 58
5: View Buttons in Depth
Receptor Manual
signal is
Pre Fader
, then the Send Level and Volume levels act independently. This is useful if, for example,
you wish to hear only an effected signal with no dry signal, which you would accomplish by setting this
parameter to
Pre Fader
and the Volume level to zero.
0 1
S e n d
P r e / P o s t
< >
P o s t
F a d e r
Rotate the bottom display knob clockwise to select Pre Fader. Rotate the bottom display knob counter-clockwise
to select Post Fader. The change happens instantly, meaning you’re not required to push the bottom display
knob to apply the change.
SHORTCUT: Pressing the bottom display knob toggles between Pre and Post Fader.
MIX: Output Assignment
Rotate the top display knob to select the
Output Assignment
parameter. Use this parameter to route the
channel to a particular hardware output or (for Channels 1-16, and Effects Bus 1 and 2) to the Master channel
0 1
O u t p u t
A s s i g n m e n t
M s t r : Y
A n l g : N
S P D I F : Y
The Output Assignment parameter actually contains multiple options spread across multiple pages. On the first
page are the following output assignment options:
Mstr (Master bus assignment): Y (Yes) or N (No)
Anlg (Analog L-R output): Y (Yes) or N (No)
SPDIF (S/PDIF L-R output): Y (Yes) or N (No)
On the second page are the next output assignment options:
AD12 (ADAT 1-2 output): Y (Yes) or N (No)
34 (ADAT 3-4 output): Y (Yes) or N (No)
56 (ADAT 5-6 output): Y (Yes) or N (No)
78 (ADAT 7-8 output): Y (Yes) or N (No)
When you first choose the Output Assignment parameter, the Mstr option is underlined and active. Rotate the
bottom display knob to turn the output on (Y) or off (N), then press the bottom display knob to apply your
selection. The cursor moves under the Anlg option. Rotate the bottom display knob to turn it on or off, then
press the bottom display knob to apply the selection. The cursor moves under the SPDIF option. Select Y (on)
or N (off), then press the bottom display knob and the next output option (AD12) on page 2 is underlined and
ready for input. Continue rotating and pressing the bottom display knob until you’ve made all the desired output
After you’ve made the final output assignment, you’ll see a screen asking whether or not you want to set the
Output Assignments to their default values. This gives you a quick way to reset the channel to Receptor’s
default output assignments.
0 1
O u t p u t
A s s i g n m e n t
S e t
t o
d e f a u l t ? N
Rotate the bottom display knob counter-clockwise to select N (no) or rotate it clockwise to select Y (yes), then
press the bottom display knob to apply your selection. The default output settings are as follows:
Ch 1-16, B1, B2 -- Mstr:Y, Anlg:N, SPDIF:N, AD12:N, 34: N, 56:N, 78:N
Master Channel -- Anlg:Y, SPDIF:Y, AD12:Y, 34:N, 56:N, 78:N